The majority of my weekend was spent in the company of asian women, among them the already notorious "animal out of their natural habitat." Speaking of the devil, I was checking out a sale at Express with her (her mother had notified her of the sale - believe it or not, her mother is Chinese & into sales) & some crazy bitch asked me where "my" fitting rooms were. Within the hour we were sitting at an undisclosed restaurant. We were seated in a corner & within 10 minutes of sitting I asked our server what we had done to be punished with the seats we were given - he was speechless, embarrassed & was notably shy about returning to our table for the remainder of our 'meal.' I was kidding with him.

Blow Up LA - you are garbage. From the hustling security guard to your seven dollar watered down drinks to your unlit bathrooms. Also, your music sucked. However, if you're ever in LA, driving down Sunset Blvd. by Short Stop in Echo Park, stop by the gas station on that corner and have a bacon wrapped hot dog. Vegetarians, watch your non-vegetarian friends eat one.